Monday, January 24, 2011

Settling in ...

A big chunk of the fam.
It is really hard to believe that our last day as a military family was only 7.5 weeks ago.  We've been in Arizona for just less than that. McH started school last week without much problem; the Monkey's education has not been quite as easy, but he is absolutely loving all the time with his Cissy. My acclimation has been the most difficult.  I'm disjointed and unsure of what I'm doing. I think I'm having the issues most would expect from McH! He hasn't seemed to have any problem adjusting to the civilian life.  Me, on the other hand ... I'm still trying to figure out my place.  I'll find it, though!

Cissy and Monkey at the races on New Year's Day
One thing that we are loving is all of the time we get to spend with family.  It also doesn't hurt that we have a fantastic babysitter (my mom!) and are able to spend a lot of time together.  McH bought a new motorcycle a few weeks ago ... haven't taken it out for a long ride yet, but we will be ... soon!

The new ride

Me and McH on our way to AZ
So, back to me and my purpose.  I'm going to get a tattoo ... then I'm going to write, then I might find another fun thing to try out.  I'm going to make soap ... lots of soap. I'm going to remember what it is I believe and why.  I am going to enjoy every beautiful moment that we have here, I'm going to cherish the fact that I didn't have to go to a deployment briefing the other night and take lots of moments to pray for my friends that did.

So, here we are ... settling in!