Tuesday, March 22, 2011

New Direction ...

Ladies and ... well, let's be honest, I don't know how many will read this entry, but I'm pretty sure it's all ladies!! If there's a gentleman out there, then my apologies!

Anyway, this blog has sort of fell to the side.  I mostly blogged to share things with my parents and since we live here, there isn't a need for that.  My in-laws have trouble loading all of the pictures I post and they'll be here soon as well.  The other blog motivation I had here was to let off deployment steam.  Again, that's gone so this blog has just sort of sat for a while.


We had such a great experience with school in TX.  Really the only thing we liked about the 6 years we were there.  I was floored and crazy disappointed when I found out that there is no public pre-k in our city.  Private school is insane expensive AND is far more daycare than school.  We have tried one thing after another and have bruised noses from all of the doors that have shut in our face.  Even our current homeschool option seems to be closed to us for the moment ... BUMMER!  But, I'm not letting it get me down.  I have ALWAYS loved the idea of homeschooling, but not for pre-k, not even for elementary school LOL  Just never been my teaching cup of tea.

So, I know that I'm going into this with a disadvantage ... I'm used to teaching kids that have a longer attention span and can do some independent work. This will not be a blog that will always espouse the joys of homeschooling.  I'll probably be really frustrated some days ... I am surprised, though, that I'm starting to get excited about this.  So ... homeschooling ... here we come!