Wednesday, October 8, 2008

I love my SARGEANT!!!

McH was FINALLY promoted to sargeant!! There are two things (other than previous rank and years of service) required to be promoted to an NCO (non-commissioned officer). The first is to go to the Board, which is, I believe, similar to defending a dissertation. You go in front of a panel of ... higher-ups (lol) and have to defend why you should be promoted along with your knowledge of your job and the Army. Well, McH went to the Board the week I brought Mumble home from Guatemala ... July of '07!!!

The second requirement is to have enough points. You get points, typically, from college or online (Army) courses as well as the courses you go through in the Army and any commendations you receive. McH had an issue with his points. Part of it was there was a problem with who could actually record the online course points he had, another part is that the number of points required for promotion change monthly. Well, while he was in California in training, the points dropped and he had enough without even having his other points turned in, so he was promoted!! YAY!!

So, basically it means that he now has more responsibility. He was promoted a couple of months ago to Corporal, which is basically for people who haven't met one of the two above requirements. More responsibility for no extra pay LOL But, I think it's given him a good taste of being a sargeant.

Needless to say, I am very proud of him! Though, he did get a talking to because he failed to thank me in his speech (that was basically, "I've got nothin'" lol). But, I know how much he appreciates my part in this!

He was officially promoted on 1October, however, his pinning ceremony was yesterday. I get the privilege of promoting him, though, I let Mumble get the "punch" in. It is tradition, that those at his new rank or above get to hit him. Before they went to ACU's (the new uniform), the rank was a pin. The tradition was that you "run the guantlet" and the other soldier's would line up to congratulate the soldier promoted. Those with the right rank would hit the soldier where the rank was ... oh, and they didn't put the back onto the pin. The "hazing" was "outlawed" a few years back, though most ignore it. McH says it's a right of passage. Well, now the rank is velcro, but it doesn't stop several from giving a punch to the new rank.

One of his idiot sargeant's punched him in the ribs. If I hadn't been worried about what McH would've said and hadn't been holding Mumble, that jerk would have had a few choice words from me! Anyway, here's a few pictures from the day!

This is the beginning of formation. Those being promoted had just been called up.

McH is the second from the right.

The second Lieutenant is motioning for me to come up for the pinning.
Here Mumble and I are waiting for the first two to be pinned.

Our turn. You can't see it well, I had forgotten that pictures were being taken, but Mumble is "punching" daddy's rank LOL

The newest NCO's.

Formation finishing up.


Ruthanne said...

Congratulations!!!! What a great achievement!!

Dotty said...

oh and i love your hair :)

Carla said...

Congratulations to Ben!!! Your haircut is adorable. And of course, this goes w/o saying, Phaelan and hisk cheeks are more than delicious!!!

JCsings4Him said...

Awesome! Tell McH congratulations!

When Chief was promoted to...well, chief...He invited Poppy and NeeNee to the ceremony along with his parents and me. I gave a speech and Poppy got the honor of pinning him. It was awesome, too. And unforgettable.

Great pics, too! Glad he is home safe and sound!!