Friday, August 14, 2009

A couple of icks ... a pattern?!

Just a quick one tonight. Our fallen gazebo and mommy's night time boo-boo.

I'm not sure if I mentioned our gazebo, but it went up days before McH came home and crashed days after he left. It pretty much knocked me out, but ya know, life goes on! Here are some pictures of our sad backyard.

We had a pretty decent day today and then night fell ... ha ha. My IM was up on our desktop which I rarely use and I'd forgotten to change my message alerts. Usually it only alerts me if a message is sent, which at midnight is a sure bet it's my husband. Well, I was tangled in laptop cords and half asleep when the alert went off AND I heard my bug get out of bed. By the time I made it down the bed and realized that the alert just went off when a contact came online, I was already headed to my new adornments - a Go Go AND a Dora Bandaid. I got to show Monkey that the medicine really doesn't hurt, though. I know the picture just looks bad, I won't deny that, but above the bandaids that really is a huge lump. Ugh ... we're due for some good days that end with good evenings!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Aw! Poor mommy and poor Gazebo! We had one of those too and it went down in a storm. We haven't gotten one since. They're nice but kind of a pain. Hope you're feeling better now!