Thursday, July 31, 2008


Well, I'd like to keep this post to one topic, however when I downloaded our stompin' pictures I realized there were a few from AZ in there, so I'll add those in here first. Mumble really loves fruit, especially if he can do it himself! Here he is with Cissy eating an orange ... he likes it, ya think?!

All mine!

Here we are on our way to the Pheonix Airport. Mumble decided to try his hand at the camera!

Mumble missed the pool already! He's practicing how to hold his nose when he goes underwater!

Here's daddy and Mumble chillin' at the airport.

I think daddy was trying to sleep, but someone wasn't havin' it!

He's a zerbert master!

On to the Stompin'!!! This weekend the in-laws are here visiting and I forgot that I'd turned the sprinkler on very low for Mumble. Cut to hours, yes HOURS later and we had created, by accident, a mud pit! Here's Mumble looking for Nana to come back from their van.

Stompin' around in the mud pit.


Mama, is there something on my face?

This is way super fun!

Ahh! More skin to get dirty! Now, how do we get more water up in herre?
Enjoy your muddy summer days!


Anonymous said...

Your son is so cute! Love the messy mud pictures!

Ruthanne said...

The mud looks way more fun than the sprinkler. A bad mistake gone good!